‘Smart Technical English’ Android Application to Improve Students English Skills

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Dian Asa Utari
Miftachudin Miftachudin
Muhammad Khoirul Hasin


Students of Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (PPNS) get difficulties and are less motivated in learning English, which can be seen from their low score on TOEIC. Therefore, we develop an Android-based 'Smart Smart Technical English' application to improve their English skills. The software used in this research is React Native, and the development method is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) prototyping model. Designed exclusively based on the English curriculum in PPNS, ‘Smart Technical English’ comes with interesting images, videos, quiz, and vocabulary enrichment to trigger students motivation in learning English. By developing and applying ‘Smart Technical English’, students are expected to be more motivated and really into learning English, thus boost their skills.

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