Perancangan Bejana Tekan Vertikal Akibat Beban Angin dan Gempa Terhadap Tegangan dan Defleksi Menggunakan PV Elite dan Metode Elemen Hingga

  • admin cwea
  • Muhammad Luthfi Septiawan
Keywords: Pressure vessel, Oil tank, Finite element method, PV elite, Design


A pressure vessel was a closed storage vessel to hold a liquid fluid or pressurized gas. PV
Elite software was used to design vessel efficiently. It is better to analyzed using ANSYS to determine
the stress on each shell and head, as well as deflection due to wind load and seismic load. The result
of manual design of the pressure vessel obtained a minimum thickness of head was 1,764 inches, and
shell was 1,855 inches. The design used PV Elite obtained a minimum thickness of head was 1,764
inches, and shell was 1,855 inches. From these results, a deviation of 0% is obtained. The results of
stress that occurred due to earthquake loads and wind loads through ANSYS simulations and obtained
maximum stress at leg support was 15794 psi due to combination load. As for the manual calculation
of stress obtained due to combination load of 9731,724 psi. The maximum stress that occurred did not
exceed the maximum allowable stress of the material is 17100 psi. The largest deflection result was
0.043118 inchat an altitude of 13,277 ft under combination load condition. The deflection was occure
qualified. Due to the maximum deflection of 6 inchat an altitude of 100 ft.
