Analisis Metode Temper Bead Welding Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti PWHT Terhadap Nilai Hardness dan Struktur Mikro Pada Baja Low- Carbon
In the process of project fabrication and construction, it is sometimes necessary to perform
Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT). But in reality in the field, PWHT has many disadvantages such as
high cost and relatively long time. Therefore, there is a Temper Bead Welding technique that can
replace PWHT effectively and efficiently. The techniques used in this research are Half Bead Technique
and Controlled Deposit Weld compared to the PWHT process. The welding process used is SMAW with
tests carried out including tensile, bending, hardness, microstructure, and impact tests. The results
obtained from mechanical testing all meet the acceptance criteria for SA 283 Grade C material used
for WPS Temper Bead Welding qualification. As for hardness testing, the results obtained for Half Bead
Technique and Controlled Deposit Weld are all above those of PWHT specimens with the highest
averages at HAZ 196.5 kgf/mm2 and 184.5 kgf/mm2
respectively, and PWHT has a hardness value of
143 kgf/mm2
. For microstructure testing, the average has fine grains and ferrite and pearlite structures
are formed in the material structure. Based on the hardness and microstructure tests, Temper Bead
Welding can replace PWHT in its application because the value is above the PWHT variable.