Analisis Tegangan Pipa Pada Desain Sistem Perpipaan Line Discharge Acid Tank Yang Terhubung Pada Acid Transfer Pump Akibat Tank Settlement

  • M. Rizqy Risyad Mahfuz Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Adi Wirawan Husodo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Pipe span, Stress Analysis, Nozzle Load, Flange Leakage, Tank Settlement


The acid storage tank (4250-TNK-0001) is predicted to decline by 75 mm within 25 years
after construction. This study analyzes pipe span, pipe stress, nozzle load, and flange leakage for the
tank settlement value at the 25th year. The analysis includes calculations for allowable pipe span,
bending and centralized load, stress values, nozzle loads, and flange stress. The largest sustained
load value is 22,300 Psi with a ratio of 133.5%, and the largest thermal load value is 150,390.9 Psi
with a ratio of 600.4%. The stress value does not exceed the allowable stress limit based on ASME
B31.3. For nozzle load analysis, existing designs still exceed allowable limits, while new designs meet
allowable limit values. Flange leakage analysis is not acceptable at the radial flange value. The tank
is safe after design changes to the support and expansion joint.
