Analisis Perbandingan Alternatif Pemenuhan Kapasitas Cooling Water Chiller dengan Penggantian Pompa dan Penambahan Jalur Pipa Baru pada Proses Produksi Sabun

  • Ayu Safitri Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Muhammad Shah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Raden Dimas Endro W Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Pump Power, PFE, ASME B31.3 Process Piping, Benefit Cost Analysis


Abstract  -  The soap production plant plans to increase the capacity of the cooling water chiller by creating a new pipeline using the tie-in method. However, the addition plan is possible to be costly enough. On the other hand, to add a supply of cooling water chiller, there is still a way that can be done, namely by enlarging the pump's power to be able to meet the cooling water chiller capacity itself, without having to add a new pipeline. The pump replacement planning uses Bernoulli calculation and the 2013 Pipe Flow Expert modeling software. While the planning of the new pipeline considers the sustained and occational loads received by the pipe according to ASME B31.3 Process Piping standard to ensure the new pipeline is safe. In each alternative will take into account the costs incurred. Selection of alternative recommendations using the BCA method (Benefit Cost Analysis). The pump power which is able to meet the cooling water chiller capacity of 78.04 m3 / hr without replacing the pump is 26,236 kW with a pump head value of 17,751 m. According to the standard, allowable stress on new pipelines is 16,700 psi for sustained load and 22,211 psi. The two alternative design of new pipelines have met the standard because they have a load value less than allowable stress which is 101,875 psi for occational load and 227,361 psi in alternative design (1) and 153,469 psi in design (2) for sustained loads. After calculating the overall cost, a feasible alternative to recommend is the first alternative, namely by replacing pumps with greater power and being able to meet the desired capacity without adding new pipelines.



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