Analisis Hubungan Beban Kerja Mental dan Faktor Individu Terhadap Stres Kerja Pekerja Workshop Perusahaan Pengecoran Logam
Metal casting companies are foundry and manufacturing companies engaged in the production of heavy equipment, metal casting in the manufacture of train components and other manufacturing equipment according to the client's wishes. High work productivity, especially in the workshop area, means workers have to work extra hours with various potential dangers and other risks. One of the dangers experienced by workshop workers is the danger of psychological factors. From previous studies it is known that the average worker experiences moderate to high work stress. The aim of this research is to determine whether mental workload and individual factors (age, education level, years of service and marital status) have a relationship with work stress and provide appropriate recommendations. In this research, the method used was the Chiu square test. The chi square test results show that mental workload and individual factors have a significant relationship with work stress with a p-value below 0,05.