Evaluasi Kebutuhan Pencahayaan pada Ruangan Kerja di Perusahaan Fabrikasi Baja

  • Zayyan Ahmad Arrafi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Lightning is the amount of light required to work effectively. Adequate lighting is an important factor in creating a safe and productive work environment, especially in industries involving precision manufacturing processes such as steel fabrication. The lighting standard according to Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 5 of 2018 for office work is 500 lux. The method used includes measuring light intensity using a lux meter at various points in the work room, namely the engineering room, ME, K3L, PPIC, and QA-QC, as well as analyzing the required lighting requirements. The measurement results show that the lighting level in the engineering room is 137 lux, the ME room is 80 lux, the K3L room is 60 lux, the PPIC room is 61 lux, and the QA-QC room is 50 lux, from these measurement results it is not in accordance with the standards of Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 5 of 2018. Lack of lighting can cause eyestrain, decreased productivity, and health problems. Based on these findings, lighting needs are then calculated to avoid health problems in the future. Calculation of lighting requirements is carried out by calculating the required number of lamps based on SNI 03-6575-2001. Based on calculation results referring to SNI 03-6575-2001 with existing lamp specifications, the appropriate number of lamps for the engineering room is 48 lamps, ME room 20 lamps, K3L 8 lamps, PPIC 26 lamps, and QA-QC 18 lamps. Implementation of these recommendations is expected to improve lighting quality, work safety and productivity in steel manufacturing companies.
