Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Pemakaian dan Inspeksi Kotak P3K di Pabrik Manufaktur Pembangkit Listrik Berbasis Website
Power Plant Manufacturing Companies are responsible for creating a safe and healthy work environment for workers to prevent accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses. One important aspect of implementing Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) is providing a complete and well-maintained First Aid (First Aid for Accidents) box in the company area. However, a discrepancy was found between the condition of the first aid box in the company and the applicable regulations, namely Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Regulation No. 15 of 2008, which could cause unsafe conditions and behavior and disrupt work activities. This research discusses the problem of inspecting first aid box and recording the use of first aid kits with a limit of only 2 HSE (Health. Safety, Environment) personnel in the company. The aim of the research is how to overcome the problem of recording the use of first aid box and carrying out routine inspections according to schedule. The steps taken in creating a website-based inspection information system are using XAMPP, PHP MyAdmin, Visual Studio Code, Laravel, Web Browser and Microsoft Office software. In the website created there will be 2 roles, namely Admin and First Aid Team. The final result of this research is the benefit for the Company in carrying out routine inspections and recording the use of first aid box onlinely with limited existing HSE personnel by utilizing the website that has been created results.