Penggunaan AppSheet untuk Merancang Aplikasi Inspeksi APAR pada Industri Minyak Goreng Kelapa Sawit di Surabaya

  • Taufiq Hidayah Putra PPNS


The palm oil industry in Surabaya is committed to Environmental Policy, Fire Prevention, Occupational Health and Safety by providing fire extinguishers  as Active Fire Protection facilities. As an effort of maintenance and repair, fire extinguishers inspection is carried out. However, the current inspection is still manually using paper checklist inspection with a period of once a month. This method has weaknesses such as damaged and lost inspection papers, data recapitulation errors, and the potential for human error, which can hinder the effectiveness of fire prevention and handling in the industrial environment.  To overcome this, an fire extinguishers  inspection application based on AppSheet was developed as a digital solution. This application allows digital inspection using QR codes available at each fire extinguishers point, accurate photo documentation uploads, secure and intregation online data storage, visualization of inspection data in graphical form, and APAR location maps for easy monitoring. The APAR inspection form criteria will be adjusted to the National Fire Protection Association 10 (NFPA 10) and company procedures. The implementation of this application has shown an increase in operational efficiency in the inspection process, a reduction in fire risk through early detection of problems in APAR, and an overall increase in the effectiveness of the Occupational Health and Safety  program. This research recommends the development of a notification feature to remind users of APARs that will expire or have not been inspected, so that preventive action can be taken in a timely manner.
