Perancangan Ruangan Sandblasting dan Local Exhaust Ventilation untuk Pengendalian Debu Silika dari Proses Dry Abrasive Blasting

  • Muchammad Raihan Rakhadary Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


The sandblasting process produces silica dust which is dangerous for workers when inhaled and accumulates in the lungs, so that in the long term it can cause silicosis, which is one of the silicosis diseases. When the dust is not controlled in a closed room with a proper ventilation system and dust collection system, the dust can spread into the surrounding environment and endanger workers who do other work without proper personal protective equipment. In one of the contractor's fabrication workshops, work environmental dust measurements showed a value of 21.8 mg/m3 with the highest SiO2 concentration of 0.419 mg/m3 in a sandblasting area that did not meet standards. Based on mapping of respirable silica particulate matter, the affected area turns out to be quite large so engineering control is needed in the form of designing a sandblasting room and local exhaust ventilation. The room with dimensions of 8x10x7 meters was designed based on the needs of work objects that are frequently worked on by considering the ease of the process of getting work objects in and out. The inlet at the front and the air outlet at the bottom at the back of the room have dimensions of 8 m2 with a suction velocity of 3.7 m/s which will then be channeled through a duct with a diameter of 0.9 meters and a speed of 4500 fpm, to fabric filter as air cleaner with 100 filter bags 0.2 m in diameter and 2.6 m long. The pressure drop resulting from this design is 346.97 N/m2 so a fan power of 9892.115 watts or 13.27 HP is required in the form of a centrifugal fan. This design will produce air exchange 3 times per minute or 180 times per hour to reduce exposure to dust contaminants, maintain visibility during work, and keep dust contained and filtered before being released into the open air.
