Analisis Pengaruh Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pekerja Pada Manajemen Perusahaan Alih
Human resources (HR) are a key factor in a company, having the potential, energy and creativity to meet consumer
needs. Outsourcing service companies are experiencing an increase in the use of outsourcing services to influence
company performance and increase the workload of management workers. Previous research shows that workload
has an influence on worker performance. Therefore, management needs to understand and manage this variable
to improve company performance. Further research will analyze workload variables on performance in
outsourcing companies. The measurement method will use NASA TLX. Data management will use software for
quantitative analysis. This research is relevant to performance developments in outsourcing companies, providing
insight into the relationship and influence of workload on performance. It is hoped that identifying these variables
can help companies optimize HR management and improve organizational performance. From the test results on
the workload variable on performance using the chi-square test, a p-value of 0.030 was obtained, where p < ?
(0.05) and the Individual Test on the workload variable produced a p-value of 0.009, where p < ? (0.05 ). It can
be concluded that the workload variable has a relationship and influence on worker performance in outsourcing
company management.