Pengaruh Ritme Sirkadian, Beban Kerja, dan Faktor Individu Terhadap Tindakan Tidak Aman di Terminal Petikemas

  • Ayu Febriyanti PPNS


Container terminals have a high potential for danger which can cause work accidents. This potential danger can originate from unsafe actions carried out by workers. Based on safety patrol reports from January to October 2023, it was found that unsafe acts by workers had increased significantly. Findings of unsafe actions include improper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), operating lifting equipment at speeds that do not comply with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and resting in risky places. The aim of this research is to identify factors that influence workers' unsafe actions, including circadian rhythm, workload, and individual factors, namely age and length of service. The data collection technique used was through distributing questionnaires, measuring pulse rates, and observing unsafe actions with a total of 60 workers as respondents. The method used to determine the influence between variables is the binary logistic regression test. The results of the binary logistic analysis show that the p-value obtained is <0.0001 for all independent variables (circadian rhythm, physical workload, mental workload, age and length of service) which influence the dependent variable, namely the finding of unsafe actions. The majority of workers have a chronotype in the morning type, workload is in the medium category, physical workload is in the high category, age is in the early adulthood category, and the working period is an average of 6 – 10 years. Recommendations that can be given are setting working hours, evaluating worker shift schedules, implementing a reward and punishment system, safety campaigns, and monitoring safety patrolsr regularly.


Keywords: Unsafe Actions, Circadian Rhythms, Physical Workload, Mental Workload, Individual Factors, Binary

Logistic Regression.
