Analisis Kecelakaan Kerja Menggunakan Metode 5 Whys Analysis dan Fishbone pada Pekerjaan Preforming di Perusahaan Manufaktur Suku Cadang Otomotif
An automotive parts manufacturing company is a company engaged in the production of several automotive parts. Work accident data at this company shows that there has been an increase in the number of work accidents in the last two (2) years (2022-2023). Work accidents that often recur occur in the preforming work section. Based on these problems, it is necessary to carry out work accident analysis so that work accidents or similar things do not happen again in the future. The analytical method used is the 5 whys analysis method and fishbone analysis. The 5 Whys Analysis method is carried out by asking questions related to accidents 5 times, but in its application the number of questions asked can be more or less than 5 times according to the need to explore the root cause of a work accident. After knowing the basic causes of accident cases that have occurred using the 5 Whys Analysis, an analysis is then carried out using fishbone analysis to group them based on the root cause of each incident which is related to four (4) aspects, namely humans, materials, machines and methods. Work accident analysis using a combination of the 5 Whys Analysis and Fishbone Analysis methods can provide specific and detailed results of all possibilities that can cause accidents. The results of work accident analysis using the 5 whys analysis method showed that the root of the problem was in the form of victims experiencing fatigue due to working overtime. Then, the results of work accident analysis using the fishbone analysis method showed that there were 2 categories of causes of accidents, namely the man and method categories. From all the roots of the problems found, recommendations are given to provide suggestions for continuous improvement for the company so that similar things do not happen again in the future.