Perancangan Ulang Stasiun Kerja untuk Mengurangi Potensi Bahaya Ergonomi pada Proses Packer di Industri Pengolahan Minyak Sawit

  • Salma Rachman Deananda Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Palm oil production has increased by around 88% in the ten years since 2011. The growth of this industry has encouraged companies to compete to produce products. As a result, workers are required to achieve company targets by ignoring occupational safety and health aspects. In the palm oil processing industry, crude palm oil must go through several processing stages to be ready for use, namely refinery, fractionation and filling. The filling stage involves human power in its implementation, with the processes of box preparation, filling, packer and box sealing. Initial studies show that the highest potential ergonomic hazard value is in the packing process with a total score of 11 (dangerous). This packer's work is carried out over long periods of time with work stations that do not meet standards. This can increase the risk of complaints of musculoskeletal disorders due to work. With this, it is necessary to redesign work stations to reduce potential ergonomic hazards. The method used is to provide a proposed measure for improvements to the work station, then simulate it in CATIA software and re-assess the potential ergonomic hazards using SNI 9011:2021. The results of the reassessment of potential ergonomic hazards decreased from the original total score of 11 (dangerous) to 5 (needs further study and improvement). This shows that redesigning the work station can reduce potential ergonomic hazards that occur in the packing process.
