Implementasi Metode HEART untuk Analisis Human Error pada Operator Dump Truck di Perusahaan Jasa Pertambangan
A mining service company in Tuban Regency is currently working on a limestone and clay mining project whose land is owned by a cement company in Tuban Regency. The activities that are often carried out are loading and hauling activities. This work involves human labor and dump truck units, so the role of humans is very important in loading and hauling activities. The problem faced by this mining service company is the large number of work accidents or dangerous incidents that occur each year. Based on data from accident investigations in 2020 - 2023, the basic cause of work accidents and dangerous incidents is caused by human error factors such as errors during hauling, fatigue, lack of alertness, and forgetting to lower the vessel. This study aims to determine the probability of human error in dump truck operation work, as well as to provide solutions from the analysis carried out. The method used to analyze human error is the HEART (Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique) method because it is relatively fast and easy to use in determining the probability of human error. The first use of the HEART method determines the HTA (Hierarchical Task Analysis) from the company's work instructions and discussions with experts. After the HTA is obtained, the next step is to assess GTTS (Generic Task Types), EPCs (Error Producing Condition), APOA (Assessed Proportion of Affect). The last step in this method is to calculate the AE (Assessed Effect) and HEP (Human Error Probability) values. Based on the results of the analysis on the HTA, 21 subtasks were produced and after the HEP calculation, there were 6 subtasks that had a high HEP value.. The recommendations given are to conduct driving training for dump truck operators, refreshment K3 training, build rest areas, and conduct safety talks.