Pengaruh Usia, Waktu Kerja, dan Kualitas Tidur dengan Kelelahan Kerja Pekerjaan Finishing di Proyek Konstruksi

  • Muhammad Irfan Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Construction companies, one of which carries out building construction projects consisting of several parts, substructure, superstructure and finishing work. All activities in carrying out the construction of a building look very complex and difficult to carry out so that extra energy is needed from the workers. Finishing work includes both high-altitude and non-high-altitude work so there are many variations of accidents to watch out for on this work. For example, in finishing work, namely frame work, ceramic installation, ceiling installation, painting, and façade work. Construction workers' busy work activities, short rest periods, and records of accidents involving construction workers during 2022 make it necessary to analyze work fatigue experienced by workers. This study aims to analyze the influence of age, working time and sleep quality on work fatigue. The method for measuring work fatigue variables is the Subjective Self Rating Test (SSRT) from the Japanese Industrial Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC), which is a questionnaire that can measure the level of subjective fatigue. The questionnaire was first developed by Yoshitake in 1971 and adapted in Indonesian by Tarwaka, the age and work time variables used a general questionnaire distribution, and the sleep quality variable used a questionnaire from the 1989 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). In this study, there was an influence between age, working time and sleep quality with work fatigue using the influence testing method using the ordinal logistic regression test. Simultaneous test results show that age, working time, and sleep quality simultaneously influence physical workload with a p-value (0.000) < 0.05. Partial test results show that each age, working time, and sleep quality have a significant effect on work fatigue with the age variable having a p-value (0.021) < 0.05, the working time variable p-value (0.000) < 0.05, and the sleep quality variable has a p-value (0.005) < 0.05.
