Analisis Pengaruh Iklim Kerja Panas, Beban Kerja Fisik, dan Faktor Individu Terhadap Keluhan Heat Strain Pada Pekerja di Pabrik Olahan Pangan

  • Bagas Rakasiwi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


The food processing factory company is a company engaged in the food sector that produces soy sauce and syrup. In the production process, this food processing factory has many potential hazards from each production process, one of the sources of danger is a high temperature work environment. Heat strain is an acute or chronic impact caused by exposure to heat stress experienced by a person from both physical and mental aspects, where the condition can be caused by a hot work climate, physical workload, and individual factors. This study aims to identify the influence of hot work climate, physical workload, and individual factors on heat strain complaints. The research variables used were heat strain complaints, hot work climate, physical workload, and individual factors (age, drinking water consumption, and body mass index). Measurement of heat strain complaints using the physiological strain index (PSI) method and measurement of physical workload using the cardiovascular load (CVL) method. Data analysis techniques were performed using ordinal logistic regression to test the influence between variables. The results of ordinal logistic regression testing showed that hot work climate, physical workload, age, drinking water consumption, and body mass index had a significant effect on heat strain.
