Analisis Postur Kerja dan Gangguan Otot Rangka pada Pekerja Pembengkokan Besi Menggunakan SNI 9011:2021
The initial process in making concrete involves carrying out iron fabrication work. This work does not pay attention to ergonomic factors such as standing for long periods of time and workers are required to work quickly and efficiently to achieve concrete production targets so that the work posture of bending, squatting, twisting body movements, bending the neck is carried out repeatedly, giving rise to complaints of musculoskeletal disorders. The results of the Musculoskeletal Disorders (GOTRAK) complaint survey felt by workers showed a 46% high risk of complaints. The parts of the body that have a high risk level are the hips with a percentage of 14%, the arms with a percentage of 11%, and the legs with a percentage of 10%. The description of the data shows that GOTRAK complaints among workers are quite high so it is necessary to carry out an analysis using a checklist of potential ergonomic hazards based on SNI 9011:2021. Iron bending work is the main focus of this research with work that has a risk of danger of 9. The results of this evaluation have a high risk considering the value exceeds a score of 7, so it is necessary to provide controls/recommendations. Recommendations that can be given are suggestions for improvements to the work station in the form of redesigning the size of the work table, the work table being redesigned at the height of the table to reduce the risk of ergonomic hazards and make workers more comfortable when working with a better working posture. The initial measurement for table height was 73, then an assessment was made to 100 by looking at anthropometric data for Indonesian men, diameter of standing elbow height and additional allowance for the soles of the shoes used by workers. After repairs were made to the work station, a reassessment was carried out and there was a decrease in score of 2, which was already in the safe category.