Efisiensi Perawatan Pada CNC Plasma Cutting Machine Menggunakan Metode Maintenance Value Stream Map (MVSM)

  • Hasim Achmad Arsabil Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Shipyard companies use potentially dangerous and very high-risk equipment in the production process, one of which is the use of CNC Plasma Cutting Machine. CNC Plasma Cutting Machine is a tool used to cut metal with plasma. In the production process of shipbuilding companies, the role of CNC Plasma Cutting Machine is very important, especially as a plate cutting tool in the shipbuilding process. Every industry is trying to increase the quantity and quality of output produced by technology in order to compete globally in increasing industrial competition. The use of reliable technology can speed up and streamline the production process. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out planned and proper maintenance. The absence of SOPs in the maintenance section to overcome when component damage becomes a problem in shipyard companies. To overcome the problems of actual maintenance activities that are less planned and to achieve the effectiveness of maintenance activities, it is necessary to describe the actual maintenance system using the MVSM (Maintenance Value Stream Map) method. MVSM is a method used to describe the flow of maintenance activities to identify waste. In accordance with the identification of component failures using the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMECA) method and the determination of critical components using the Pareto Diagram method on the CNC Plasma Cutting Machine, 3 components are obtained that have the highest level of criticality, namely the dust collector filter, van-belt, and contaminant container. In the analysis using the MVSM method, the results obtained increased maintenance efficiency from 33.70% to 38.96%.
