Penerapan Event and Causal Factor Analysis untuk Analisis Kecelakaan Kerja di Divisi Jumbo Bag Perusahaan Karung Plastik Sidoarjo
A plastic sack manufacturing company in Sidoarjo processes plastic raw materials into plastic sacks using machine technology, which introduces potential hazards and risks that can lead to workplace accidents. This research focuses on analysing the Jumbo Bag Sewing Machine Maintenance Technician's pinched finger accident, which has a higher severity than the Sewing Machine Operator's punctured finger.. This study focuses on the analysis of the pinched/squeezed Jumbo Bag Sewing Machine body accident, which has a higher severity than needle punctures. The company has not previously conducted a formal accident analysis, leading to the recurrence of similar incidents. Therefore, researchers used the Event and Causal Factor Analysis (ECFA) method to identify causal factors. The causal factors were categorized on the Causal Factor Worksheet, summarized on the Summary Worksheet, and improvement proposals were provided based on the hazard control hierarchy. The ECFA analysis revealed 12 causal factors categorized in the Causal Factor Worksheet, including one Procedural Issue, one Design Issue, one Training Deficiency, eight Management Issues, and one External Phenomenon. The ECFA analysis revealed 12 causal factors, including one Procedure Problem, one Design Problem, one Training Deficiency, eight Management Problems, and one External Phenomenon. The summary of causal factors shows the direct cause as an External Phenomenon, the root cause as a Management Problem, and three contributing causes related to Procedure Problem, Design Problem, and Management Problem. The recommended control measures to prevent similar accidents in the future include substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and the use of personal protective equipment.