Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sistem Izin Kerja Pada Perusahaan Galangan Kapal Berbasis Website

  • Wildan Nuary Handyanto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Permit to Work, known as a work permit, is a mandatory document that must be prepared before performing high-risk jobs. In shipyard companies where there are many high-risk job, this permit is necessary as an administrative control measure. Currently, the implementation is still done manually, making it less effective and efficient. Moreover, there is a risk of the permit being damaged or lost since it is not stored properly. The purpose of this research is to make the permit to work process more effective and efficient by utilizing web-based information technology systems. The permit can be created through a website, allowing it to be made anytime and anywhere, thus making the process more effective and efficient. Additionally, the created permits will be stored in a database, reducing the risk of damage and loss. The website design utilizes PHP and MySQL. The process of creating a new work permit on the website is made easy and quick, where mandatory PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is automatically checked when the applicant applies for a type of work permit, and additional PPE can be added if required. Based on the system testing, the functions on the website operate smoothly. Based on the results of the USE Questionnaire given to 40 respondents, a score of 86.9% was obtained. This indicates that the system provides benefits and has a positive impact on the users involved.
