Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Tekanan Darah, Tingkat Dehidrasi, dan Kelelahan Kerja Berdasarkan Uji Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
Construction work is complex work, with humans as the main implementing component in the work. Construction work, including work with a heavy workload and combined with an outdoor work environment, can pose many risks for workers. At a pipe fabrication construction workshop, several workers complained of health symptoms leading to the risk of hypertension, dehydration and fatigue. This study aims to determine factors that can influence blood pressure levels, dehydration levels and work fatigue in workers in pipe fabrication workshops. According to several journals, one of the factors that influences blood pressure levels, dehydration levels and work fatigue is the work climate. The research method used is the influence test using the One Way MANOVA method. Based on the results of measuring the work climate of 83 pipe fabrication workshop workers, it was found that 65 workers had work climate conditions that above the NAB, and as many as 18 workers had work climate conditions that according to the NAB. The results of the MANOVA test show that in multivariate terms, the hot work climate has no significant effect on blood pressure levels, dehydration levels and work fatigue with a p-value of 0.071. Meanwhile, the results of the test of between-subjects effects analysis showed that the hot working climate had no effect on systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure with p-values ??of 0.354 and 0.723 respectively. However, the hot work climate influences the level of dehydration and work fatigue with p-values ??of 0.037 and 0.046 respectively. Recommendations that can be given are to build shelters or shady rest areas in workshops, regulate workers' work and rest times, and ensure that workers use coveralls or cattle packs made from thin materials, comfortable, and colors that not absorb heat.