Analisis Risiko Ergonomi Metode SNI 9011:2021 Pada Pekerjaan Gerinda Tahap Finishing Side Frame
Grinding work is part of the finishing process that is used to remove parts of the workpiece that are uneven. In the grinding process there are different working postures and attitudes, namely sitting, squatting, standing, looking down and bending. The aim of this research is to analyze and assess work posture in grinding work using SNI 9011:2021 and provide recommendations so that ergonomic risks can be reduced. Based on the results obtained from the recapitulation of the GOTRAK questionnaire in accordance with SNI 9011:2021, it can be seen that as many as 65% of workers experienced a moderate level of risk with complaints occurring on the shoulders, arms, hands and back, and as many as 8% of workers experienced a high level of risk with complaints on the neck, shoulders and thighs. Next, examine the worker's body posture using documentation in the form of photos to find out which parts of the body have an odd posture. Grinding work is the main focus in this research with work that has a high level of risk so an inspection was carried out using a checklist of potential hazards and a total score of 17 was obtained, where this score means dangerous and recommendations need to be made. There are several recommendations that can be given, namely improving work stations to support grinding work with better posture and ergonomics.