Penerapan Failure Mode Effect Analysis pada Graving Dock pada Industri Galangan Kapal di Surabaya
Shipbuilding is a very large maritime industry in Indonesia. One of the supporting tools for a shipyard is a digging dock which is used to repair ships that are docked. There are several types of digging docks, including the graving dock. Of course, if the graving dock is used continuously, its reliability will decrease due to the components starting to not carry out their function. Based on component failure data and literature review, it consists of 18 components, 26 failure modes and 32 failures. Therefore, failure analysis is needed using the Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) method to determine the highest Risk Priority Number value. where the failure mode of leaks in the stripper pump is the highest Risk Priority Number of the dock drying mechanism with a value of 336. Then, the failure mode of sludge accumulation on the dock door pontoons is the Risk Priority Number of the dock door opening and closing mechanism with a value of 256. Then, failure jam mode on the opening water valve is the Risk Priority Number of the dock filling mechanism with a value of 288.