Perancangan Sistem Informasi Work Permit dan JSA Berbasis Aplikasi Android pada Perusahaan Jasa Perkapalan

  • Vina Kurnia Nabilah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


A shipping service company is a company operating in the maritime sector that provides ship piloting and towing services and has a shipyard for ship maintenance and repair. The work process carried out has high potential for danger and risk, this can allow work accidents to occur. One of the efforts made by the company is implementing work permits and analyzing potential risks and dangers using job safety analysis (JSA). However, its implementation is still manual so it is considered ineffective and document storage is unsafe and less efficient. Therefore, the aim of this research is to create an Android-based information system to prevent the storage of damaged or lost documents, as well as making it easier to apply for work permits more effectively and efficiently. The method used in creating this system is using the framework flutter and express.js. This application has been tested for feasibility using the USE Questionnaire with a test result of 86.1%, which means this application is very suitable for use and useful for companies.
