Penggunaan Metode Forward Chainning pada Anamnesis dalam Website Penegakan Diagnosis Penyakit Akibat Kerja Hazard Biologi

  • Satria Yudhistira Walujo Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


To create an expert system using the forward chaining method on an information system in the form of an occupational disease diagnosis website, data on symptoms and diseases is needed to be linked so that a clinical diagnosis result can be produced. An information system is a collection of system-forming components that have a relationship between one component and other components which aims to produce information in a certain field. Information technology has a form or media as a medium, one of which is a website, with a website combined with an expert system it will make it easier for experts in the medical field to diagnose occupational diseases for patients who consult. So the work of an expert system is to analyze a problem. So it is hoped that the creation of this expert system can help the public to diagnose types of infectious diseases. Forward Chainning is a system that can adopt human knowledge into a computer, so that the computer can act to solve problems as is usually done by experts. In establishing a diagnosis of occupational disease, there are many stages in its enforcement, but there is one stage called anamnesis which is very important to combine with technology or artificial intelligence in the form of a forward chaining expert system, in order to make the task of an expert or expert easier. In this article, the main target in carrying out anamnesis is biological hazard factors. Anamnesis is an initial stage of clinical diagnosis which is carried out by conducting interviews or asking questions to the patient to explore the complaints they feel to find symptoms of occupational diseases experienced by the patient who is being consulted
