Analisis Risiko Bahaya Pekerjaan Pengurasan Tangki Asam Fosfat di Industri Pupuk Menggunakan Metode Confined Space Risk Analysis (CSRA)

  • Berliana Azzah Rahmadany Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Confined spaces have limited or restricted access for entry and exit, and are not designed to be occupied by workers continuously. Since 2011 to 2018, it is known that the number of work accidents in confined spaces caused as many as 1,030 workers to die. Phosphoric acid is one of the crucial raw materials of the fertilizer industry that is stored in tanks and produces sludge. Phosphorus sludge contains high concentrations of zinc, mercury, cadmium, and lead that endanger the safety of workers when cleaning the tank. The problem to be solved in this research is the risk analysis of the hazards of phosphoric acid tank draining work using the Confined Space Risk Analysis (CSRA) method. CSRA can identify and assess hazard risks thoroughly by analyzing all risk factors of a job in a confined space. CSRA outlines a detailed risk analysis based on seven risk categories. The results of the CSRA analysis on the phosphoric acid tank draining work showed 22 potential hazards consisting of atmospheric, ergonomic, physical, chemical, mechanical, and falling. Risk assessment aims to determine the risk level of the work performed by evaluating the combination of consequences and likelihood of the related hazard risk, then providing control recommendations to reduce the risk level. After the control is applied, there is a significant change in the risk level of each potential hazard, namely from 21 potential hazards, there are 2 high potential hazards, 5 medium potential hazards, and 15 low potential hazards. The controls carried out are ensuring the gas content in the tank, installing worker information boards, and the use of mandatory PPE in accordance with company regulations.
