Pengaruh Karateristik Individu dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kelelahan Kerja di Workshop Fabrikasi Baja
Worker welfare is an important role that an industry must pay attention to for the progress of its industry. The most common risks experienced by workers are work fatigue and work stress. Work fatigue occurs from individual characteristic factors. Several individual characteristics include age, smoking habits and exercise habits. From the results of initial observations on 30 workers in the workshop, 33% of the workers were very tired. Meanwhile, the results of measuring work stress on 30 workers produced 17% of workers with severe work stress. In research by Silaban, 1998 in Giswarani, A., 2021, worker characteristics were related to work fatigue. Based on the problems above, researchers are interested in conducting research on the Influence of Individual Characteristics and Work Stress on Work Fatigue in Steel Fabrication Workshops. The research method for collecting data was the SDS questionnaire (Stress Diagnosis Survey) and KAUPK2 (Questionnaire for Measuring Feelings of Work Fatigue). The research sample used full sampling and data processing using the ordinal logistic regression method. The results of the ordinal logistic regression analysis for the simultaneous influence test have a significant effect on work fatigue. Meanwhile, the results of the partial influence test for the four independent variables have a significant effect on work fatigue, namely the variables age, smoking habits, exercise habits and work stress. Recommendations that can be given include rearranging working hours, putting up work safety posters, improving a healthy work culture, providing rewards, holding gatherings and analyzing and adjusting work workload.