Inovasi Sistem Pelaporan dan Pengawasan Kinerja Kontraktor Berbasis Web dalam Mendukung Sistem Manajemen K3 di Perusahaan Pupuk

  • Ayu Puspa Arum Masniarni Kusuma Wardani Teknik Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


As a hazardous industry, fertilizer production companies are mandated to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) in accordance with Indonesian Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012. One implementation of this OHSMS is through a Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), which encompasses six stages: risk identification, pre-qualification, selection, initial work execution, ongoing work assessment, and final evaluation. This study focuses on optimizing the ongoing work assessment stage of the CSMS within a Fertilizer Production Company, encompassing contractor safety performance monitoring and evaluation activities. The current system utilizing Google Spreadsheets for contractor safety performance monitoring is deemed ineffective due to difficulties in tracking unsafe reports and the need for manual data recapitulation by the HSE administrator. The research methodology involves designing a responsive web-based HSE activity reporting information system to facilitate reporting and monitoring. The system is developed using MySQL for database management and ERD to depict entity relationships. The research findings indicate that the use of a responsive web-based system can address the weaknesses of the previous system by providing automatic real-time data recapitulation, facilitating KPI reporting by contractors, and enhancing safety inspector monitoring efficiency. The conclusion of this research is that digitizing contractor HSE reporting through a responsive web platform can improve the effectiveness of CSMS implementation at the ongoing work assessment stage, ultimately supporting contractor pre-qualification and final evaluation processes in the Fertilizer Production Company.
