Analisis Kebutuhan dan Perancangan Manajemen Alat Pelindung Diri pada Perusahaan Biskuit

  • Karina Novi Setyawati Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Mades Darul Khairansyah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Wibowo Arninputranto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya


Every work involving humans, machines, and production materials has a potential hazard of a certain degree. Personal protective equipment is a tool that has the function of protecting a person by isolating part or the entire body from potential hazards present in the workplace and is one of the forms of risk control. The Biscuit Company in Gresik has implemented the us of PPE as hazard control  with the SHE team as responsible for PPE needs. Based on the results of observations, it is known that the application of personal protective equipment management in the company has not been performed optimally. The research was conducted to analyze the needs of the company’s personal protective equipment and to design the management of PPE so that it can run optimally. PPE needs are based on the company’s HIRA review and further observations. Mean Time To Failure approach is used to calculate the PPE lifetime, with the Economic Order Quantity calculation to find out the most economical amount of purchase, as well as the Re-Oder Point to know the limit of the amount of re-ordered PPE. Based on the results of research, the PEE needs of the company include: earplug, earmuff, apron, body harness, safety helmet, safety googles, boots, safety shoes, security shoes (white), rubber shoe, chemical gloves, heat gloves, wearpack, welding cap, respirator mask, filter. Designing PPE Management includes PPE usage, training, construction, dismantling and implementation of PPE waste, as well as continuous inspection, reporting and evaluation.
