Identifikasi Bahaya dan Penilaian Risiko pada Proses Assembly Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger dengan Metode HIRADC dan FTA

  • Fauziah Nadya Febrianty Tasidalle Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Arief Subekti
  • Mochammad Choirul Rizal
Keywords: Assembly, FTA, Heat Exchanger, Hazard Identification, HIRADC


Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger is a type of heat exchanger and is one of the superior products of this company. Assembly work or Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger assembly has several risks of hazards that arise due to hazards during the work process. The company has never carried out a hazard identification and risk assessment related to this work. The company has an internal SOP and matrix regarding filling out the HIRADC form. The results of research on hazard identification and risk assessment using the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Determining Controls (HIRADC) method yielded 7 Quadrant IV risks, 10 Quadrant III risks, 11 Quadrant II risks, and 6 Quadrant I risks. I namely fire and fatality. For Quadrant I risks, further analysis was carried out using the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method to obtain 18 basic events as a minimum cut set or the main cause of the potential hazard. Recommendations from minimal cut set analysis and based on risk control hierarchy, namely installing yellow lines and sterile work area boundary markers from unauthorized persons, compiling and establishing SOPs according to work, supervising work, conducting toolbox meetings, implementing 5S culture, setting safety drill training schedules, providing lift and lift training for overhead crane operators, providing and using PPE safety shoes, cattlepacks, safety goggles/faceshields, safety helmets, safety gloves.
