Evaluasi Numerik Kinerja Condenser PLTU Unit 8 di PT. POMI Paiton

  • Suantara Darma Gede
  • Agus Setiawan Priyo
  • Moballa Burniadi


Condenser modeling to determine the performance of industrial condensers on a steam
power-based energy generator. The effectiveness of condenser is very important, so the condenser
performance needs to be maintained. The efficiency of condenser work directly affects the
performance of turbine steam, which is an energy generator in the system. The saturation pressure
in the industrial condenser before to the plugging process has the highest value of 27790.0 (Pa). The
maximum condensation rate value in the industrial condenser before the plugging process is
0.00529579 (Kg/m3.s). The saturation temperature in the industrial condenser after the plugging
process has the highest value of 300.0 (oK). The maximum condensation rate value in the industrial
condenser after the pluging process is 0.00519625 (Kg/m3.s).
