• Silas Tandi
  • Arie Indartono
  • Arum Nurvitasari
  • Dodiek Kurniawan
Keywords: project performance, earned value analysis, planned value, actual cost, project review.


Delays in completing the project are things that must be avoided, because in addition to adversely affecting
the credibility of the contractor, it also causes losses in terms of project time and cost or cost overrun, where the work
done is not in accordance with the planned time and the cost is not in accordance with the budgeted so that it requires
additional costs to complete the project. The Earned Value method is a method used to manage project costs and
schedules in a structured manner. This method can provide information on the status of project performance in a review
period and information on predicted costs and time for completion of all work based on performance indicators at the
time of review. Project performance on ship repair TB. Big Fair 15 from the calculation of CV and SV in reviews 1, 2
and 3 is negative and so is the calculation of CPI and SPI in reviews 1, 2 and 3 is negative or less than 1. This indicates
that the cost used to complete the project is greater than the plan. However, for the 4th review, the results of the CV
and SV calculations show a positive value, which means that the cost of completing the project is in accordance with
the plan as well as the CPI and SPI at the 4th review show a positive value, which means that the cost of completing
the project is in accordance with the plan. Based on the analysis that has been done, the time required to complete the
remaining work is 10 days and in this ship repair project there is a cost overrun of Rp. 107,332,706 with a cost budget
of Rp. 459,273,994. After a review using Earned Value Analysis, the results are obtained for each review, where review
1 weighs 12.93% at a cost of Rp. 73,267,561 and review 2 weighs 45.17% at a cost of Rp. 255,915,724 and review 3
weighs 26.58% at a cost of Rp. 86,839,784.
