Perancangan Ulang dan Analisis Reliability Lubricating Oil (L.O.) Cooler Tipe Plate Heat Exchanger Untuk Penggantian Heat Exchanger Tipe Shell and Tube Pada KM Spil Rumi

  • admin CMEA
  • Taufikur Rahmadani
Keywords: Redesign, Heat exchanger


There is a case on KM Spil Rumi in the form of Lubrcating Oil (L.O.) cooler damaged due
to leakage. The existence of this case is the basis of this research to find an alternative replacement
with a redesign. The methodology used in this research uses LMTD (Log Mean Temperature Different).
In addition to designing heat exchangers, this study also analyzed reliability. Based on the calculation
results, it is found that the shell and tube heat exchanger has a better overall convection coefficient
value with a value of 538.98 W/m2.C compared to the plate heat exchanger with a value of 459.19
W/m2.C. Although the overall convection coefficient value of the shell and tube heat exchanger is
greater, the shell and tube heat exchanger has an overdesign value that is too large at 74.42%.
Therefore, the plate heat exchanger with an overdesign value of 31.39% has a higher effectiveness
value with a value of 64.3% compared to the shell and tube heat exchanger with a value of 46.4%.
However, the reliability value of the shell and tube heat exchanger has a longer time until the
component is damaged with 64 years than the plate heat exchanger with 6.5 years.
