Analisis Pemilihan Perawatan Pada Sistem Bahan Bakar (Fuel Oil System) Kapal TB.BLORO 10

  • Icuk Kurniawan
  • Mukhsin Al Amin
  • Arum Nurvitasari
  • Endah Wismawati
Keywords: Main Engine , scheduling maintenance , ship


- Main Engine is one of the important compartments on the ship which is located in the
engine room. Has a function as a propulsion driver and as the main propulsion engine of the
ship. With such an important position, scheduling maintenance on the Main Engine is very
important to do. Because if the main engine is not running, then there will be no operation of
the propulsion system on the ship and it will definitely be very detrimental to the ship owner.
This final project attempts to answer these demands by creating a maintenance schedule for
the main engine fuel system. In addition, the total operating costs which consist of running,
maintenance and downtime costs will also be taken into consideration in determining the
maintenance time. In this research of the analysis of choosing the best type of maintenance to
take, namely, preventive maintenance for non-return valve components, quick closing valves,
fuel injection pumps, and gate valves. Corrective maintenance is recommended for the fuel oil
transfer pump, injector nozzle, and fuel filter components. The cost of maintaining all
components is taken from the cost of preventive maintenance. The biggest cost is the fuel
injection pump component in each repair cycle with an expected minimum total cost incurred
for reliability 0.6 of Rp. 25,650,000 and the smallest cost for the fuel filter component in each
repair cycle with an expected minimum total cost incurred for reliability 0.6 of Rp. .5,617,520.
