Analisis Distribusi Tegangan Pada Redesign Struktur Sleipner Dengan Metode Elemen Hingga

  • admin cwea
  • Rafi Dzahin Zhaffardian
Keywords: Shaft Sleipner, Finite Element Method, Von Mises stress, Deflection


The heavy equipment industry is one of the key sectors supporting economic growth in the mining, infrastructure, and civil construction sectors. One of the notable examples is Sleipner, a transportation system commonly used for moving heavy equipment, which facilitates the movement of such machinery. The structure of the Sleipner Shaft plays a crucial role in carrying and supporting the weight of excavators under static loads. Static loads can influence stress, and excessive stress can lead to structural failure. Therefore, in this study, a stress analysis was conducted to ensure the structure can withstand static loads during operation. A 3D model of the Sleipner Shaft structure was created using AutoCAD 2024, and then an analysis was performed using the finite element method (FEM) with ANSYS to obtain the stress values (von Mises stress). The simulation results with loads ranging from 90 tons and 125 tons in ANSYS showed a stress value of 125.88 MPa for the Half Frame design and 90.23 MPa for the Full Frame design. Additionally, the deflection resulting from varying weights on the Sleipner Shaft averaged 1.35 mm for the Half Frame design and 1.17 mm for the Full Frame design.
