Analisis Pengaruh Arus Pengelasan Dan Travel Speed Sistem Repair Partial Reweld Pada Pipa Carbon A 53 GR.B Terhadap Deformasi Dengan Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga
Welding of a pipe necessitates meticulous preparation to ensure that the final product adheres to established performance standards. In instances where the weld exhibits dimensional anomalies, a partial reweld repair technique can be employed as a remedial measure. This specific repair method is particularly suited for rectifying deformations that occur in both plate and pipe materials. The primary objective of this study was to repair a pipe weld with a deformation of 5 mm utilizing the partial reweld repair technique. A simulation-based research design was adopted, incorporating three variations of travel speed: 50 mm/min, 100 mm/min, and 150 mm/min. Each travel speed variation was subjected to a constant heat flux of 41.08 W/mm2 during the simulations. The research tools employed included AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, and Ansys Workbench 2021. The analytical results indicated that the most pronounced deformation of 5.25 mm was observed at a welding speed of 50 mm/min. Conversely, the least deformation of 2.23 mm was recorded at a welding speed of 150 mm/min. In conclusion, this study unequivocally demonstrates that welding speed exerts a significant influence on the magnitude of deformation.