Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Bevel dan Filler Metal Size pada Pengelasan Tube SA-213 TP316L to Tubesheet SA-240 TP304L terhadap Metalografi dan Kekerasan
In determining the procedure for tube to tubesheet welding, the TEMA standard does not specify the standard for determining the use of bevel angle and diameter of filler metal size. Due to mechanisms such as welding defects and so on, cracks and damage can easily form in tube to tubesheet welding joints. This final project research was conducted to examine the effect of variations in the use of bevel angle and filler metal size on metallography and Hardness value. Therefore, this research uses variations in filler metal diameter of 1.2mm and 2.0mm. Then for bevel angle variations using bevel angles of 30°, 40°, and 50°. In the micro test on the weld metal, the results obtained the higher the heat input, the less the ferrite phase. In the Hardness test, the highest Hardness value for HAZ tube and tubesheet is obtained in the 30° bevel angle spesimen ø filler metal 1.2mm with a value of 179HVN and 181HVN and for the lowest Hardness value obtained a value of 171HVN and 174HVN in the 50° bevel angle spesimen ø filler metal 2.0mm. In the weld metal, the highest Hardness value is 221HVN in the 30° ø filler metal 1.2mm bevel angle spesimen, while the lowest value is 201HVN in the 50° ø filler metal 2.0mm bevel angle spesimen.