Analisis Perbandingan Kombinasi Elektroda, Preheat, dan Interpass pada Pengelasan GMAW Dissimilar Baja Bisalloy 400 dan SM490YA Terhadap Kekerasan

  • admin cwea
  • Nadhifatul Kamilah
Keywords: Bisalloy 400, Buffer Layer, GMAW, Interpass, Preheat


A construction company manufactured a side dump trailer that was used to transport coal. This side dump trailer, experienced a failure on the floor in the form of a crack in the welding joint.  The material used in this welding joint is dissimillar material between Bissalloy 400 steel and SM490YA. This study aims to analyze the failure and repair it by performing a combination of electrodes, preheat, and interpass on the mechanical and metallographic properties of Bisalloy 400 and SM490YA steel materials. To determine the hardness value, testing was carried out. The hardness test results obtained the highest hardness value of 385 HVN. The hardness test showed that increasing the preheat and interpass temperatures decreased the hardness of the material. The use of a buffer layer between two dissimilar materials proved effective in reducing the risk of cracking and deformation. This study confirms the importance of selecting the right welding parameters to improve joint quality in dissimilar materials with significant differences in carbon equivalent.
