Perencanaan Jalur Pipa HDPE Fire Hydrant System dan Anggaran Biaya Kegiatannya pada Seluruh Area Hydrant Lama Luar Gedung PPNS

  • Hendra Waskito Aripta
  • Poernomo Heroe
  • Arumsari Nurvita
Keywords: The Pump, Design fire hydrant system, the Plan Budget of the cost


The hydrant the system is the protection of the fire which is designed as a precaution will be the fire. In the project planning of the PPNS, fire hydrant the system will be the redesign of the carbon steel above ground or on the ground to a HDPE the PE 100 in a state of buried the plan said that the fire hydrant the system only on the outside of the building PPNS. The reason the use of material the HDPE is the use of up to 50 years of operation and this project will be seen from several things contributing factors such as the material and the total cost of the construction project. From the design that refers standart in NFPA get some of the routing line pipe, 23 hydrant the hydrant, to the total station by 6.11 kW with head pump of, 56.83 m and obtained a total length of project homeworks fire hydrant system in PPNS as 1217 m. The total Cost of required in the project the installation of fire hydrant the system by using material the HDPE on outside the building PPNS of Rp 699.307.103,, with time working for 22 days.
