Pengaruh Penempatan Reducer Terhadap Laju Erosi dan Life Time Jalur Pipa Crude Palm Oil 8”-PL-039-A01A di Perusahaan Penyedia Storage Tank Tanjung Perak

  • andreyono Nikko
  • agus setiawan priyo
  • Nur Budiyanto Ekky
Keywords: reducer, life time, DPM, erosion rate, computational fluid dynamics


Abstract - Line 8 "-PL-039-A01A is a pipeline from the storage tank at the filling station where this pipeline has an 8" elbow, 8 "pipe, 8x6 reducer, 6" and 6 "pipe elbow. In the initial design, the 8x6 silencer had a distance of 1700 mm against the elbow 6 "but there was an improvement in the design of the pipeline route and equipment related to pipe 8" -PL-039-A01A had to be re-routed, distance reducer 8x6 to elbow 6 " getting closer is 1010 mm. The analysis was performed by calculating the erosion rate and the life time manually and the software of 5 pipeline designs used to establish the varying reducers. Where the maximum life time of an elbow is 8 "is 24.17 years and the minimum life time is 13.74 years. As for elbow 6 "has a maximum life time of 25.54 years and a minimum life time of 8.74 years. The most ideal reducer placement is 710.5 mm from 8 "elbow or the reducer is shifted as far as 342.5 mm from the initial design.
