Pengaruh Fluida Phosporic Acid Slurry Terhadap Laju Korosi Erosi pada Material Super Duplex 2507 dan Hastelloy G-30 pada Sistem Perpipaan R-2304 Menuju P-2302-B (Suction) di PT. Petro Jordan Abadi - Gresik.
Corrosion erosion is one of the important problems that often occur in piping systems with slurry phosphoric acid fluids. PT. Petro Jordan Abadi is one of the companies that has serious problems with frequent leakage on its pipeline due to erosion corrosion in the R-2304 to P-2302-B (suction). Points to consider include the dimensions of pipe equipment, elbow and reducer, flow discharge, fluid diameter contained in fluid, fluid density and material density, market price of equipment either Super Duplex 2507 or Hastelloy G-30. Highest speed value based on manual calculation and ANSYS software modeling occurs in the reducer of 4.718 m/s and 4.741 m/s. The highest rate of erosion corrosion in the reducer with an average value of 0.61486 mm/year and the lowest erosion corrosion rate in pipes with an average value is 0.49749 mm/year. The shortest life time value occurs in the reducer (Super Duplex 2507) with an average value of 12 years and the longest life time value in pipes and elbows (Hastelloy G-30) with an average of 26 years. Based on the economic calculations, material that have the cheapest value is Hastelloy G-30 worth Rp. 346,599,995