Analisa Dinamik pada Sistem Perpipaan akibat Getaran Pompa

  • Septiyani Amilia
  • Wirawan Husodo Adi
  • Mahardhika Pekik
Keywords: dynamic analysis, harmonic analysis, modal analysis, natural frequency, vibration


The high vibration from centrifugal vertical pump in oil transportation will seriously affect the safe running of the piping system and equipment. And it will more severe demage if resonance occur between the pipe and the pump. Dynamic analysis conduceted to know the effect in the piping system due to pump vibration. The analysis method using modal analysis and harmonic analysis. Also, softwere MATLAB and CAESAR II for numerical simulation of centrifugal vertical pump. A number of numerical simulation have been carried out and the results show that the highest vibration of the piping system is in the segmen 2 and have natural frequency is close to excitation frequency. Moreover, beat resonance occur in the existing design. 
