Pengaruh Laju Korosi Erosi Terhadap Lifetime Material Carbon Steel A53 Grade B, Stainless Steel 304, dan Stainless Steel 316 pada Aliran Weighed Juice Return Pipe di Industri Gula

  • Inggrit Winarto Galih
  • Wismawati Endah
  • Bisono Fipka
Keywords: Economic, Erosion Corrosion, Immersion Test, Leakage of reducer, lifetime


Line weighed juice return pipe is used to return juice to the tank if overflow when entering the juice heater. Juice flows with 40-60°C temperature, 4.5-5.5 of PH values and carries sands. This line using Carbon Steel A53 material, there is a leakage occurs in the reducer due to erosion corrosion that effect to economic losses. This final project compares the effectiveness of using Carbon Steel A53, Stainless Steel 304 and Stainless Steel 316 materials from technical and economical factor. The technical factor is analyzed erosion rate with DNV RP 0501 standard and ANSYS modeling software, then analyzed corrosion rate using immersion test with 40,50, and 60°C of temperature, 4,5, 5, and 5,5 of PH values. The economic factor compares material prices and economic losses. The result of manual calculation and software modeled shows that the highest erosion corrosion rate is 1,5893 mmpy, and 1.590 mmpy. The lowest erosion corrosion rate is 0.0248 mmpy and 0.0208 mmpy. The highest lifetime value is 193,421 years and 246,407 years. The shortest lifetime value is 2,232 years and 2,230 years. From technical and economical analysis shows that the effective replacement is Stainless Steel 316 reducer material with the total cost Rp 187.622.269,2.
