Pengaruh Resistivitas Tanah terhadap Metode Proteksi Katodik SACP dan ICCP untuk Underground Pipeline

  • Fandi Ahmad
  • Budi Prasojo
  • Arie Indartono
Keywords: SACP, ICCP, underground pipeline, soil resistivity, technical calculation, economical calculation


In this research, analysis the influence of soil resistivity against catodhic protection method of
SACP and ICCP for underground pipeline. This research was conducted with the objective to recommend
catodhic protection method according with soil resistivity from the result of the analysis comparison the
needs of economical between SACP and ICCP based on soil resistivity variation. This research in general
will analyzes the influence of soil resistivity against catodhic protection method of SACP and ICCP for
underground pipeline. In this case, the calculation is technical calculation and economical from each
method by variations of soil resitivity. In addition, this research also analyze comparison the needs of
economical between SACP and ICCP based on soil resistivity variation. The result of this research can be
concluded that for underground pipeline along 23 km with diameter 12 inch on soil resistivity ≤ 7 ohm.m
more efficient use catodhic protection method of SACP because the costs of catodhic protection method of
SACP cheaper than the costs of catodhic protection method of ICCP. While on soil resistivity ≥ 8 ohm.m
more efficient use catodhic protection method of ICCP because the costs of catodhic protection method of
SACP cheaper than the costs of catodhic protection method of SACP.
