Analisis Tegangan Jalur Perpipaan dari Knock out Drum Menuju Gas Flare

  • Satrio Agung Prakoso Politeknik Perkapalan negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Dr. Priyo Agus Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Gas Falre, Nozzle load, Horizontal Loop, Stress Anylisis


The purpose of channeling gas from the Knock Out Drum to the Flare is to burn the gas
before releasing it into the environment, requiring careful pipe design. Nozzle analysis at the Flare
Inlet was conducted based on operational and sustain conditions using pipe stress analysis software.
The pipe from the Knock Out Drum Outlet to the Flare Inlet has a diameter of 26 inches, a design
pressure of 3.5 kg/cm²G, and a design temperature of 320?C. The initial design, which included a Z
loop before the flare inlet nozzle, exceeded the allowable nozzle loads, necessitating further analysis.
One option to reduce stress below the allowable nozzle load was adding a horizontal loop with a
minimum length of 15.5 meters and a width of 8 meters, chosen for distance efficiency around the
flare. The stress values with the horizontal loop addition under sustain load were 2414.2 psi with a
ratio of 13.6%, the highest occasional load due to wind was 12,259 psi with a ratio of 51.8%, the
highest occasional load due to an earthquake was 13,847.8 psi with a ratio of 58.5%, and the thermal
expansion load was 40,971 psi with a ratio of 89.9%. The nozzle inlet flare load values met the
allowable limits, with resultant forces and moments on the Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, and Mz axes.
