Pengaruh Peletakan Support Terhadap Nilai Tegangan Pada Line 482A(R)_4821-LLP-C4FA0-0178 Akibat Perbedaan Schedule Reducer Tee Dengan Header

  • Mochammad Fathkul Hadi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Eko Julianto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Ni''matut Tamimah Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Allowable Pipe Span, Flexibility, Stress Analysis


The piping system line number 482A(R)_4821-LLP-C4FE0-0178 is a critical line that is
included in the urgent line which is experiencing adjustments in the project where isometric drawings
are revised due to material shortages for branch, where there is a difference in schedule with the
main line. Therefore, in this Final Project, an analysis is carried out to validate the stress value,
allowable pipe span, flexibility and redesign after recalculation using manual and software. The
results of the allowable pipe span calculation obtained the number of pipe supports as many as 5
pieces, after adding the weight of the tee reducer, the number of supports after calculation is different
from the initial isometric. The initial isometric flexibility calculation has a value greater than K_1, so
the line is not flexible and a recommended design is required. The results of the stress value for the
initial isometric highest value for Sustained and Thermal load are 2,683.68 psi and 28,355.1 psi. As
for the recommended design, the highest values obtained for Sustained and Thermal load are
1,907.74 psi and 17,071.4 psi. So that with the new design of the existing piping system, the stress
value of the piping system has decreased after adding support and it is safe to fabricate.
