Analisis Pergeseran Peletakan Penyangga Untuk Mengurangi Tegangan dan Displacement Pada Sistem Perpipaan Heat Exchanger

  • Audytia Herlambang Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Priyo Agus Setiawan Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Pekik Mahardhika Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: heat exchanger, pipe support, stress analysis


The existing line piping system connected to a heat exchanger at a petrochemical company experienced an increase in cut length. The addition of the cut length makes the pipe support distance in the piping system even further. Because the distance between pipe supports is getting farther, it is necessary to carry out stress analysis and add additional pipe supports according to the results of the stress analysis. After carrying out stress analysis using software, the highest sustain stress value was 34655.6 psi with a ratio to allowable stress of 173.2%. After adding pipe supports and analyzing again using software, the sustain stress value was 3150.1 psi with a ratio to allowable stress of 15.8%. then the new design of the piping system can be declared safe.
