Re-desain Jalur Pipeline Junction-K Menuju PLTP Unit 3 dan 4 pada Proyek Debotlenecking SAGS Ulubelu, Lampung
The Debottlenecking SAGS Ulubelu project performs the addition of new pipeline junctionK line towards PLTP units 3 and 4. There's a problem with the layout. First on the support PS-7 area,
because the pipeline design collides with the existing pipe. Second on the box culvert, because there's
the addition of box culvert beside the exsisting box culvert. To solve these two problems, it is necessary
to redesign. To carry out the re-design, the things that need to be done are calculating the allowable
pipe span, flexibility in the pipe, and stress. The allowable pipe span calculation takes the smallest
value between the minimum distance based on the stress limit and deflection limit as well as the table
in ASME B31.1 and obtains a value of 14.3 m. The flexibility calculation has a value less than 30 SA/EC
is 0.008, so this pipeline route is declared flexible. For the voltage analysis process using stress analysis
software. The highest stress values on sustained load, occasional load, and thermal expansion load are
less than the normal stress, with values of 3991.4, 18550.5, and 17395.9 (psi), then the re-design of this
line has been in accordance with ASME B31.1 standard.