Analisis Tegangan pada Sistem Perpipaan Outlet 3 rd Stage Gas Lift After Cooler
The piping system Outlet 3
rd Stage Gas Lift After Cooler is a critical line that has not yet
determined the location of the pipe support to be used. Based on the problems found, this Final
Project will recommend the location of pipe support, stress analysis, and displacement analysis. From
the results of the calculation of the maximum allowable pipe span and the pipe support location
analysis, the number of pipe supports used in the 3
rd Stage Gas Lift After outlet piping system line is
23 pipe supports. After stress analysis using software, the highest stress value due to sustained load is
14482,7 psi, stress value due to occasional load is 1723,7 psi, and stress value due to thermal
expansion load is 10108,5 psi. The pipe stress value and displacement value in the piping system are
still below the maximum allowable. Therefore, the location of the pipe support location is declared
safe and can be used based on ASME B31.3 (Process Piping).